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New: ChessBase Magazine #198

by ChessBase Shop - 02/11/2020

ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in the fields of tactics, strategy, and the endgame show you the tricks and techniques a successful tournament player needs! DVD with several hours of video, training material, annotations by top players like So, Duda, Giri, Humpy, Nihal, Paehtz and more. Giri on the surprise weapon in the Scandinavian and more. Photo: ChessBase

Highlights of this issue #198

Special: Interzonals and candidates matches of the early 80s

An extensive review featuring columns on strategy, tactics and endgame


The most dynamic player ever!

Move by move, Simon Williams dissects the classic Beliavsky-Kasparov from their match 1983


NEW: “All in One”

Anish Giri presents the Scandinavian 3…Qd6/4…Nc6 and Carlsen’s new approach vs. the Keres Attack


A natural mistake – and perhaps a lucky one...

Wesley So eyes his dramatic encounter in the Italian vs Alexander Grischuk from the Online Olympiad


First victory over Vishy

Anand Jan Krzysztof Duda is very critical of his own success - and also analyses the rematch!


White gambits against the Benko

Christian Braun’s active repertoire after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Nf3


A must-know: rook vs. bishop

Karsten Müller elaborates on one of the most important practical endgames


“Spassky’s powerplay” – sacrificial attack on the queenside!

Shine like the ex-world champion – interactive training video with Oliver Reeh


A steamroller victory!

Dorian Rogozenco’s classic: Kasparov-Gheorghiu, Moscow Interzonal 1982


A 9 minute thriller

Peter Heine Nielsen annotates the Armageddon decider Nakamura-Carlsen from the final of the MCCT


Losing the thread, winning the game

Elisabeth Paehtz takes you on a rollercoaster ride in the Dutch Leningrad

CBM Special: Kasparov as a challenger

Garry Kasparov’s route to becoming a challenger for the WCh is the focus for this issue. In their columns our authors cast light on the games of the 13th world champion from this period.

NEW: “All in One”

This issue sees the introduction of a new column: “All in One”. What is the idea behind it? Using a single extensively annotated game, an expert will show you a topical opening line. Here the analysis is so deep and so comprehensive that using just this one game you can learn all the essentials and have a reliable basis available for your own practice. The starting gun on the DVD will be fired by no less than top GM and theoretician Anish Giri! On the program:

The Scandinavian with 3...Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 Nc6!?

The Sicilian Keres Attack 5.Nc3 e6 6.g4 e5!?

Top tournaments: FIDE Online Olympiad and Magnus Carlsen Chess Tour Final

FIDE Online Olympiad 2020: Gold for Russia and India. Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Wesley So, Nihal Sarin, Humpy Koneru, Aleksandra Goryachkina, Elisabeth Pähtz et al. annotate their games from the knockout phase of the Olympiad. In the final of the Magnus Carlsen Chess Tour 2020, the founder of the Online Tour turned out in the last minute of the final tournament to be the winner. Peter Heine Nielsen annotates the decisive Armageddon game.

Opening videos

Erwin l'Ami shows how Black can play for a win in the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation. Daniel King puts the Kalashnikov Variation under the microscope with the help of the game Anand-Maghsoodloo. And Mihail Marin looks into a recent suggestion of the world champion in the Nimzo-Indian!


Erwin l‘Ami: Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.0–0 Bg4 6.h3 Bh5 7.g4 Bg6 8.Nxe5


Daniel King: Sicilian Kalashnikov

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 Be6 7.Nc3


Mihail Marin: Nimzo-Indian with 4.e3

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3 c5 6.Nge2 d5 7.a3 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 dxc4 9.Bxc4

New ideas for your repertoire

The new issue provides 11 opening articles with new ideas:

Adrien Demuth: English 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.d4

Christian Braun: Benkö Gambit with 4.Nf3

Viktor Moskalenko: Stonewall with 4...Be7 and 6...Ne4

Romain Edouard: Richter-Rauzer with 6.Bg5 g6 7.Bxf6 exf6

Robert Ris: French McCutcheon with 8.Bc1

Tanmay Srinath: French Winawer (II) 6…Ne7 7.Qg4 Qc7

Krisztian Szabo: Bishop's Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Bc4

Martin Lorenzini: Philidor Antoschin Variation 6...d5 7.e5

Evgeny Postny: Spanish Archangelsk 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.d4

Lars Schandorff: Catalan 4.g3 dxc4 5.Bg2 a6 6.Ne5

Alexey Kuzmin: King's Indian with 6...Ne4

Topical opening traps

Trap expert Rainer Knaak presents nine examples from current online tournament practice - three of them in video format.

"Move by Move"

“Think like Garry! One of the most dynamic players ever in the world.” Simon Williams invites you in his interactive article to find Kasparov’s moves from the 8th and clinching game from the candidates match of 1983 against Alexander Beliavsky. In this training section what is required is aggressive play in the King’s Indian Defence. Off you go! Take command of the black pieces for the previous world champion and execute the move you consider to be the best available. Enjoy yourself and we wish you success in finding Kasparov’s moves!

“Strategy – The interzonal tournaments of 1982”

When looking through the material Mihail Marin came across many strategically rich games and in his article deals with three topics: “The blocked centre”, “The monster on the long diagonal” and “Manoeuvres and pawn play”.

“The Classic”

The game Kasparov-Gheorghiu from the interzonal tournament of 1982 had been eyed up by several ChessBase Magazine authors for their articles. The trainer of the German Federal team Dorian Rogozenco secured it for his “Classic”.

Tactics: “Dynamism à la Kasparov”

When Kasparov was starting his run at the world championship, his chess appeared to be coming from another planet: irresistible dynamism, paired with immense powers of calculation. Oliver Reeh’s article contains 27 games studded with training questions. Moreover, he presents his three favourite combinations in interactive video format!

Karsten Müller: Endgames – Kasparov’s bishop pair and much more

Endgame expert Karsten Müller has contributed no less than five articles: “The role of the bishop pair in Kasparov’s way to his first WCh match”, “Endgame highlights”, “The duel between rook and bishop”, “Recent rook endings” and “Readers write”.

ChessBase Magazine (CBM) 198
ChessBase Magazine (CBM) 198


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